Jan 7, 2023
Building a lens – Blending Tableau with Traditional CRM Analytics

A lens is a visual representation of the data within a dataset, allowing you to explore data graphically and construct queries for a dashboard. To build a lens, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the Analytics Studio tab to return to the CRM Analytics Home page.
  2. Click Browse and then select Datasets.
  3. Choose the opportunity_history dataset, which will open a new tab, shown below, with a lens for exploring the dataset.

Figure 8.10: Opportunity_history dataset details

  1. In the New Lens tab, click on Count of Rows located beneath Bar Length, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 8.11: Lens builder with Count of Rows highlighted

  1. Select Sum and then choose Amount from the dropdown menu, as shown in the next screenshot:

Figure 8.12: Sum Amount selected

  1. Under Bars, click the plus sign (+) and select Industry, as shown below:

Figure 8.13: Industry field added to lens

  1. Click the plus sign (+) under Bars again, and choose Opportunity Type, as shown below:

Figure 8.14: Opportunity Type added to lens

  1. Under Bar Length, click the arrow next to Sum of Amount and select Sort Descending, shown in Figure 8.15:

Figure 8.15: Sort descending selected

  1. Click the Charts icon to access different chart options, shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 8.16: Charts icon highlighted

  1. Select the Stacked Column chart icon, shown in the screenshot below, to create a Stacked Column chart, which will display the sum of the amount according to the industry.

Figure 8.17: Stacked column chart selected

  1. Save your lens by clicking the Save button.
  2. Enter My Test Lens, indicated in the following screenshot, as the title of your new lens, and then choose App | My Test App from the dropdown menu.

Figure 8.18: Save lens dialogue

  1. Click Save to complete the process.
    Your final product should look like the following:

Figure 8.19: Completed stacked column lens visualization
With your app, dataset, and lens now created, you can proceed to create a dashboard.

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