Oct 16, 2022
Creating Datasets, Lenses, and Dashboards in CRM Analytics – Blending Tableau with Traditional CRM Analytics

In CRM Analytics, the most basic concepts are app, dataset, lens, and dashboard. These are the basic building blocks to understand to be able to work in the system, although, of course, they are just the beginning.

Before we dive into the practical steps of creating a dashboard in CRM Analytics, let’s briefly familiarize ourselves with the fundamental concepts of app, dataset, lens, and dashboard. Understanding these components is crucial as they form the backbone of CRM Analytics.

  • App: In CRM Analytics, an app serves as a container for your analytical projects. It’s a workspace where you can organize your datasets, lenses, and dashboards. Think of it as a folder on your computer where you keep related files together for easy access and organization.
  • Dataset: A dataset is a collection of data that CRM Analytics can process. This data can come from various sources, including Salesforce records, external databases, or files like CSVs. Datasets are the raw materials from which you extract insights.
  • Lens: A lens is a tool for exploring a dataset. It allows you to visualize data in different formats (such as charts or tables), filter the data to focus on specific aspects, and perform basic analyses. You can think of a lens as a magnifying glass that helps you examine the details of your dataset.
  • Dashboard: A dashboard is a visual representation of your data analyses, often comprising multiple widgets (charts, tables, etc.) that display data from one or more datasets. Dashboards are designed to provide at-a-glance insights and support decision-making.

Now that we have a basic understanding of these concepts, let’s proceed to create a simple dashboard in CRM Analytics to give you a feel for what you might be able to achieve if you were to dig deeper into the topic.

We will do this in a few steps:

  1. Create an app to hold your unique analytical assets.
  2. Import a dataset into the system.
  3. Explore this dataset through a lens.
  4. Build a simple dashboard to visualize the data.

Doing this will also teach you some of the key differences between creating dashboards in Tableau and doing so in CRM Analytics and why you might prefer one over the other in particular cases.

Let us begin!

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